
Feasibility Studies



If you have a project that you would like to involve us in, we will be happy to conduct a basic feasibility study for you, free of charge.

The study will look at the general variables surrounding your project (availability of waste, location, energy demands, financial constraints) and give you an idea of whether or not this is a project you would like to pursue, before you go handing out your money.

Apply for Basic Feasibility Study


A paid service delving into the intracies of your green power plant, how it will benefit, project planning and engineering.

  • Turnkey Plant – We have the experience, expertise and in house skills to provide you with a complete turnkey solution in a very simple process.
  • We will be start by assessing your needs, risks and surrounding factors that could make or break your project.
  • Potential output of this project will be assessed so we can get to work planning the equipment required.
  • Complete engineering of the power plant will be handled and a project design produced.
  • Process documents and project planning will be drawn up.
  • CapEx estimate and project timeframe will be produced so you know exactly what you’re in for and how long you can expect it to take.
  • Once approved we will take on the role of EPC contractor, getting your project to commissioning and performance testing within our timeline and budget.
  • After commissioning we also offer a operations and maintenance service to ensure you get the best production from your equipment.



Once the project design and CapEx estimate have been completed, we often find although a client is extremely ecited about the project their budget, risk appetite and balance sheet don’t allow for development to go ahead. In these cases we are happy to provide a complete finance deal where your benefit is gained either in a gate fee for your waste or as a percentage of the proceeds. This means your waste becomes a revenue stream and you aren’t required to bear the risk of financing a development.


Let us conduct a FREE basic feasibility study

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